Monday, February 11, 2013

Dating, a Multigenerational Legacy

Voddie Baucham Jr. in his book What He Must Be... If He Wants to Marry My Daughter paints a vision that has been lost in our culture today.  He argues that dating actually has a longer legacy than just where you will go out for dinner. If you are dating someone, the purpose is to find a companion who you would like to spend your life with in marriage.   And in this book, he believes that as the father of his daughters he needs to be actively involved in the process.  The point I want to make is that dating eventually leads to marrying someone.  So, why do we date someone we would never marry? Seems like a waste of emotional energy and of time.  In addition, I think we forget that we have an opportunity to leave a legacy that outlives our own lives.  Take for example Jonathan Edwards. He is one of the more famous theologians from the 18th century.  He was married for 31 years to his wife Sarah from 1727-1758.   He had 11 children and was actively involved in their spiritual education.  What legacy did Edwards leave?

In 1900, A.E. Winship studied what happened to the 1,400 descendants of Jonathan and Sarah by the year 1900. He found they included:

* 13 college presidents
* 65 professors
* 100 Lawyers
* Dean of a law school
* 30 judges
* 66 Physicians
* Dean of a medical school
* 80 holders of public office
* 3 US Senators
* Mayors of 3 large cities
* Vice President of the United States
* Controller of the US treasury
* Wrote over 135 books
* Edited 18 journals & periodicals
* 100+ were missionaries

What kind of legacy do you want to have?

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