Monday, October 3, 2011

Is it possible to finish well without a Jonathan?

Sunday, my friend and pastor Jeremy Carr, preached an excellent sermon on the need for a Jonathan in our lives from 1 Samuel 18:1-5.  As I reflect on this challenging  sermon, I do believe that it is necessary to have a Jonathan in our lives if we desire to finish well.  Genesis 2:18 says that it is not good for man to be alone.  This need is pointed out by God to Adam prior to the fall.  In other words, there is a need in all of us for people to be in our lives.  What does a Jonathan do?  In 1 Samuel, Jonathan not only loved David and was committed to him, but he encouraged him and pointed him to God.  I need another man in my life to push me, to encourage me, to love me, to help me when I am in need.  This is true if I desire to finish well.   There really is only 1 question:  Do you have a Jonathan in your life?  If you do not have one, pray that God will provide that man in your life. I think for most men this area can be like a 6th grade dance. At a 6th grade dance there are all the boys on one side  of the gym and all of the girls on the other side of the gym.  Each side wondering who will make the first step. Men need to initiate with other men.  Don't wait for the other guy to initiate!  I have personally made it a goal to initiate with other men in my life until I die.   Will you join me in being an initiator?  Hebrews 3:13 says "But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called today..."  Have you ever run into someone who is over encouraged?  If you have a Jonathan in your life, take a moment today to encourage him.  If you have a friend who is not yet a Jonathan, try to go deeper then just the weather and sports. Talk to him about his marriage, his kids, and His God.  May we be men who finish well!

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